Get Moving In February: Walking

Walking is one of the best exercises for arthritis, cardiac and overall general health. Most of us can do some form of walking no matter where we are at on our health journey. A good way to measure your progress is to use a pedometer or app on your phone to track your steps each day. Sometimes, it gets difficult with all the responsibilities of the day including home, work, children, and appointments to reach your step count goals. Here are a few tips and tricks to add steps throughout the day!

1.Wear comfortable clothes and shoes – always be ready to be able to get steps in at any opportunity.

2.Walk with a friend – make yourself accountable to another person with health goals

3.Make it a date – walk for exercise together or choose a romantic setting

4.Walk with a dog – if you don’t have one – borrow a neighbor or family member’s dog

5.Park farther away for EVERYTHING – Even in a different parking lot

6.Take the long way for EVERYTHING – park at the opposite end of the mall for the store you need

7.Walk to the corner store instead of driving the half mile. Use a backpack to carry items.

8.Set an alarm every 2 hours and walk 200 steps

9.Take the shopping cart back inside the store instead of a cart corral

10.Climb the stairs at home during TV commercials

11.Pace or walk while on the phone

12.Talk to people face to face instead of sending a text or email in an office setting

13.Use the bathroom that is the farthest away from your desk at work

14.Always take 15 minutes of your lunch for a power walk

15.Play with kids – borrow some if you don’t have any

16.Dance in the Kitchen while waiting for the microwave (or march, high knees, etc.)

17.Clean your house by walking the farthest distance between rooms you work on

18.Be the “runner” whenever someone else orders lunch or needs a post office run

19.Avoid delivery – get out and get extra steps in to pick up print orders, food, etc.

20.If you need more steps to reach your goal at end of day, do laps around driveway or house.


Get Moving In March: Weight Bearing Exercises


Get Moving In January: Walking Your Dog