Cold Laser and Pain Relief

Due to the terrible and sad outcomes of the overuse of opioid drugs over the last decade, there has been an urgent need for a safer, more effective, and readily available pain relief option or therapy in the United States.

One simple option that rises to the top is the use of low-level light therapy and electric stim units, also known as cold laser therapy with e-stim.  We use the Laser Touch One at Holistically Well in Birmingham, Michigan.

(It sounds super high tech and fancy…even Dr. Evil wanted sharks with laser beams attached to their heads for crying out loud!!!  However, it is simple to use and much safer than swimming with sharks.) 


What is it used for? 

Chiropractors, doctors, dentists, physical therapists, veterinarians, and other medical professionals use cold laser therapy in a variety of ways. The main uses for cold laser therapy are tissue repair and relief from pain and inflammation. Some examples of common treatment include:


Muscle Spasm, Ligament and Tendon Strains, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Tennis Elbow, Neck, Back & Hip Pain, Knee Pain and   Shoulder pain, foot pain, plantar fasciitis

It is also used to help reduce swelling and promote healing of the joints and soft tissue.  One of the great things about it is that it can reduce inflammation.  Inflammation can be caused by injuries or diseases like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other autoimmune diseases. 

In other settings, Cold laser therapy is used to encourage skin rejuvenation. Dermatologists use it to treat various skin problems, including acne, acne scars, psoriasis, dermatitis, burn scars, rashes, and wound healing.  Some acupuncturists use cold laser in place of needles as the laser stimulates the acupoints without piercing the skin.  Veterinarians have been treating canine hip problems for decades with the use of cold laser. 

The future of the cold laser is promising, and research is ongoing in the fields of traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 

How does it work?  

The light penetrates the skin and creates a reaction with the ATP of the cell to speed up tissue healing.  The light stimulates the natural response of the body to work quickly to repair and replace damaged cells.  This light is not a high enough concentration to produce a “cutting” effect or to create heat.  That is why this low-level light therapy is often called “cold” laser.


The other feature of the laser touch one is the electric stim component.  E-stim therapy has been widely used for decades as an accepted method of pain relief.     

Electric Muscle Stimulation therapy creates steady electric impulses that stimulate tiny muscle contractions--many of them over a sustained therapy session. This repetitive contracting and relaxing of the muscle can have the effect of increasing circulation (blood flow) to the affected tissue area, which aids in repair.  It can improve strength by flexing and working weakened muscles and slow the process of muscle atrophy by strengthening weakened or unused muscles.


What does it feel like and how long does it take?


The therapist will use a conducting gel for your skin and run the unit over the treatment area in a circular or linear motion.  The light produces no heat, so there is no sensation from that portion of the treatment. The electric stim component will be turned up or down to your comfort level and creates a slight prickly sensation as it contracts the muscle fibers to aid in healing.  Depending on where the therapy is applied you may or not feel this sensation.  Some people do not feel anything at all, and others are more sensitive.   

Each session is 8 to 10 minutes long.  In our office, the Doctor monitors the progress to determine how many sessions are recommended.  Most people do not feel significant changes in just one session, but most do notice gradual improvements over several sessions.  On average, 90% of people notice improvement within 6-12 sessions. 



Is it safe and what are the side effects?  

It is approved by the FDA and considered very safe, carrying a 93% effective rate with the only side effect being a rare skin discomfort or redness from the e-stim component.  This can be minimized with simple communication between patient and practitioner, and proper training by the technician. 


Who is NOT a candidate?  

Those with pacemakers, seizure disorders, and those with known malignant tumors are not candidates.  There are some areas that cannot be treated including around the eyes, over a fetus, and over most open wounds.


Is it covered by insurance?  

Some insurance companies do cover cold laser if it is used with the e-stim component.  In our office, we do offer individual session pricing in addition to package pricing to help with the cost to treat a more chronic condition or conditions that have been known to take 12 sessions or more to control.    It is surprising affordable, ranging from only $30 per session to less with the package discounts. 


Tell me some success stories!!!


75 year old woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis experiencing shoulder pain and unable to raise arm up to brush her hair notices enough improvement in a once weekly session over 6 weeks to be able to do her own hair.

55 year old accountant who sits most of the day experiencing low back pain had to get up every 20 minutes for 5 minutes, notices improvement in 2x a week for 3 weeks sessions and is able to sit for one hour at a time.

60 year old post knee replacement surgery patient says he recovered twice as fast from his second knee replacement after using laser therapy for 8 sessions over 2 weeks post surgery. 

40 year old data entry worker with carpal tunnel syndrome pain, numbness and stiffness reported 75% recovery after 18 sessions over 2 months and 100% recovery and no need for the wrist brace after 30 sessions over 4 months.      

17 year old athlete with an ankle injury including strained ligaments, bruising and swelling notices quick recovery following daily laser therapy for 3 days in a row, including decreased swelling and bruising and return to normal use and range of motion.


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