What happens when the masks come off? No, this is not a metaphor.

For a year now, we have gone through the various stages of something I like to call “mask grief”.  







At some point we finally find some level of acceptance with our new face accessory.  We had to learn to breathe while wearing them during work and/or working out.  At first, for some, this came with some serious annoyance and eventually it became the norm in our routines.  Most of us have had to make the run back to the house or car because we somehow “forgot” them.   Maybe your ear strings broke at an inopportune time.  Our environment has become littered with disposable masks.  There is no escaping the immense focus they have taken in our daily life and the important role they represent with the efforts made to keep people healthy and keep the economy going. 


In the process, some have tried to make them cute or stylish with animal prints, polka dots, funny faces or jokes such as “If you can read this you are too close” phrases.  Some business has branded their logos on them.  We have tried HazMat style face shields or wearing the simple bandana or gators with scary skull faces instead of masks to see how we like the variety of options. 

Whether we were ready for them or not, masks are a part of our daily routine and represent an atmosphere of responsibility and safety in the grocery store, retail shops, and workplaces.  We have been told that we wear our masks to protect others mostly, but also to protect ourselves. 


The vaccinations have rolled out and now we are hearing about states that no longer have a mask mandate.  We will be walking in the local Kroger or shopping mall and all of sudden we will see someone not wearing a mask, and then another one, and another.

How do you think you will react?  Maybe you will be the first one to throw your mask collection in the junk drawer at home and get tickets for ball games or concerts, and be thrilled go to the gym ready to lift without a face covering.  I think a good many of us will still have some lingering concerns about overall health and immunity to all disease, virus and bacteria exposure.  I think we will never look at things the same and will be more careful with hand washing and shared public spaces.

You may already have your vaccination or are anxiously waiting to get yours. You may also be one to get the flu shot annually to try to avoid that misery.  Perhaps you were not a candidate for the vaccine or have known allergies to a flu shot and/or decided it was not your best choice for you right now.  We are all faced with ongoing challenges regardless of any immunizations. 

In the wellness biz, we continue to preach the value of boosting our natural immune system.   We cannot think of a more important time to be working on our immunity and overall health than right now.  The human immune system is complex, beautiful and covers multiple body systems.  

If you want to set yourself up for success in the potential for a partially or totally post-mask world, there are multiple layers of protection and options to evaluate:

Eating Habits

veggies, Holistically Well Chiropractic Birmingham, MI

A diet rich in anti-oxidants including fruits and vegetables and lean proteins can lay the groundwork for your body to regulate and work like the well designed machine that it is.  A diet consisting of fast foods, processed flour, excess sugar, high fats, overeating or thoughtless snacking all day can damage the body’s ability to do its job.  Eating foods high in Vitamin C and adding garlic can stimulate white blood cells to create natural antibodies and help us fight off disease.  Foods including zinc activate enzymes that break down viruses and bacteria.  Those foods with ginger and/or those high in the proper omega fats help us fight off inflammation, which we are learning more and more about, and is extremely dangerous and detrimental to all body systems. 

Omegas, Holistically Well Chiropractic Birmingham, MI

a.     Supplement with natural products such as melatonin, valerian root, gaba, other herbal remedies, and/or regulate your natural cortisol levels with adrenal support.  This is a good time to seek out a nutrition testing provider to determine your specific needs. This can be tricky.

b.     See your doctor of chiropractic for adjustments to keep your nervous system working properly.  Get massages for those achy and tight muscles that keep you up at night.  


running, Holistically Well Chiropractic Birmingham, MI

Other than committing to a proper diet, this is the best way you can take control of your health and support your immune system.  How many times did we hear about “complicating factors” or “pre-existing conditions” over the past year?  Those with diabetes and obesity were hit the hardest with the virus, and struggle as a group with almost all health challenges.  This group also are hit the hardest with whatever latest flu or virus is “coming down the pike” next!  (Fun fact! The phrase “coming down the pike” is short for “turnpike” a metaphor or sorts for whatever is coming up the road ahead.)   

 No matter what level we start at, our health is improved with regular exercise.  Study after study shows that you can reduce chances of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes with moderate* exercise.  (*30 minutes a day 5 days per week)  There are a multitude of options for cardio and weight bearing exercise that cost nothing.  Maybe now is the time for you to try an at-home digital streaming subscription service.  If you are ready to get back to the gym or get a personal trainer – go for it.  This is for your HEALTH.  It is your greatest asset to protect.  Find the method you enjoy the most and get moving!

Reduce Stress

The bottom line is that everyone has stress.  So, what happens to the body when we have stress?  Well, immediately, the blood and oxygen in the body are directed to the brain and muscles, away from the gut and immune fighting organs and systems like the spleen and lymph.  Cortisol is pumped into the system and levels are spiked which is our “fight or flight” response.  Over time, this creates more inflammation and alters the normal immune system response.  So YES, Stress can affect your immunity!  Many people share experiences about how shortly after a traumatic event or stressful situation, they come down with a cold or pick up a virus within a few weeks.

 The past year created new stress for us all with the unknown, the economy and the new way of life.  Some were already in stressful situations and then piled on the added stress of the pandemic.  It can make them feel defeated or angry when a well-meaning individual would say that they “really need to find ways to reduce their stress”.  The fact is that some of our friends and loved ones are often stuck with their current stress loads, including jobs, family situations, financial state, and health conditions.  They may or may not see the obvious importance of putting plans in place to make job changes, creating boundaries, and finding solutions for the myriad of financial and health situations.  However, it is not always possible to make these changes in a short period of time.   These individuals need extra support as they work towards improving their situation.

So…until changes can be made, what do we do?


a.      Find help with massage therapy, meditation, yoga or breathing exercises

b.      Get moving!  Exercise can reduce the physical and mental affects of stress

c.      Supplementation support for the nervous system and adrenals. (See a trusted provider for proper testing and dosage)

d.     Stay regular with chiropractic care which has been shown to reduce musculoskeletal subluxations, improving both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and improve immune response by 200% 


Treatment Room 2 and Nutrition Room, Holistically Well Chiropractic Birmingham, MI

Plan NOW for life after masks.  Start making changes to improve your eating habits, sleep, exercise routines and reducing stress.  Stay regular with chiropractic care and massage therapy.  Start an immune boosting supplement regimen or try a nutrition response test to supplement with the specific products that your body lacks and needs.  You must invest in, and fight to protect your health.  Make a commitment to better health with or without a mask!!!



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